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Our Founders


 In honor of the strongest, most brave little 9-year-old I know. My true definition of a heaven-sent soldier


Meet Shaneika

Shaneika Janae is a well-rounded advocate for special needs children and their families; working as a  funeral director apprentice in Milwaukee, WI. She established her nonprofit organization and LLC in  honor of her beloved 9-year-old daughter Khloie Janae. Khloie Janae was diagnosed with epilepsy,  cerebral palsy, optic nerve atrophy, low muscle tone as well as a handful of other diagnoses. At the  tender age of 3 months old. Khloie Janae was called home to her eternal resting place November 14th,  2021. Shortly after her passing Shaneika established a nonprofit organization to give back to the  community and aide families with children who were diagnosed with special needs with hopes of  providing overall support and activities supported by some of the most compassionate, loving, GOD  fearing individuals in Wisconsin. 


“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”

Meet Marilyn

Ms. Marilyn Baldwin-Guy is Co-Founder of Khloie Janae’s Committed to Kare Foundation, a community driven non – profit organization, dedicated to being a helping hand in assisting families who have children who are differently abled by providing yearly support through various platforms and resources.

She has now served the community for over 20 years as a Licensed Funeral Director and is a current owner of Serenity Funeral Home with her husband, Cedric” Randy” Guy. 
During the last several years she assessed invaluable experiences and knowledge about the various challenges many special needs children, parents, and their families face, and she wanted to see more of a community driven and inclusion programs for the differently abled /special needs community. Consequently, she wanted to become an advocate in serving the families by assisting them in helping to overcome some of their obstacles.

With her own personal encounter of challenges, her and her family faced while, providing care for her nine-year-old granddaughter Khloie Janae, whom the foundation is in honor of. Marilyn and her daughter realized the lack of support provided for her community and decided to create a foundation with her daughter that would create awareness, educational materials, and resources as well as host dedicated events geared towards supporting the disabled children and young adults in the community.

Therefore, after Khloie’s Janae’s passing on November 14, 2021, they set out to start a non- profit to be a part of a mission to support a noteworthy cause and hopes to help improve the lives of those they encounter.

Grand Mother

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